frequently asked questions

i don’t relate to my sun sign. so astrology is fake, right?

the sun sign is just a piece of the puzzle. traditionally, rising signs were used for horoscopes and predictions, based on the specified ability to see which houses are being activated at any given time. with magazine and newspaper commercialization, sun sign astrology became popular because of its accessibility in only changing once a month as opposed to every few hours.

if you don’t fully relate to your sun sign, it is because there are many other planets that could be stronger/steering the ship more! getting the whole picture of your chart will bring clarity.

what kind of astrology do you practice?

i generally study tropical astrology, the whole sign house system, and traditional rulerships. however, sometimes i use placidus houses or modern rulerships if i feel called or if you have a preference.

how and when do i pay for my reading?

when it is time for you to book your reading, you will send your payment either via venmo (preferred) or paypal. my venmo username is @lumarr on and my paypal email is

i offer sliding scale pricing for individuals in need and i also accept trades in services or art, so if you do or make something cool, let me know and let’s see what we can work out together!

do you do in-person readings?

i primarily do meetings over zoom but in-person meetings can be arranged depending on where i am! i will be in new york city through the end of 2022.

what’s astrology/ tarot/reiki?

check out the homepage for info on how i describe these systems and techniques.

why do i need to know my exact birth time?

although it may seem like it may not make a difference, the matter of minutes can shift your birth chart considerably. the rising sign changes every 2 hours or so, and it defines the houses for the rest of your chart, so knowing your exact birth time is necessary for a full analysis of your energies! text your mom, check your birth certificate, call the hospital!

you can still usually get a pretty good sense of your chart without your rising sign, but because i am a virgo/sag mix i like to be exact :)

what kind of questions should i ask for tarot and oracle readings?

you can really ask anything, but the more open-ended, the more information the cards can show. check out the art of asking powerful tarot questions, tarot spreads samples, some question samples for inspiration.

don’t know where to start? let me help!